Sunday 23 December 2012

What to do for New Years Eve??

If right now you are wondering what on earth you are gonna do this New Years Eve... you are not alone.  I have been contemplating that for a couple of weeks now.  No... not because I am afraid to get "out there" again, but for another far greater reason "should I?"
So your friends have told you that it's one of the best nights of the year.  To them I reply, "for who?".  Lol.  No just kidding.  NYE, as I shall refer to it for the entirety of this blog is a great night to  spend with family and friends.  However, in a world seemingly full of the "happiest" couples, where does the recently single person fit in?

I have asked myself that question many a time.  The thoughts that ran through my mind were silly ones but still thoughts none the less.  I questioned how awkward it would be going to a party alone?  Did my friends/family/co-workers just invite me out of pity?  Will I look like a dork standing there by myself?  What will I do when the clock strikes twelve and I've no one to kiss?

All valid questions and all quite ridiculous.  I am not trying to hurt anyone's feelings here, but let's get serious.  The last thing most people are going to be worried about are your hang ups on being single.  No one will notice if you aren't kissing someone at midnight, and if they do, the last thing they will think about you is that you are a loser!  That is a lie from the enemy... and in this new season in your life be prepared to encounter a boat load of them.

Single people have existed since the beginning of creation.  Even Adam was single for a time.  From what I've been told, people have also been living happy single lives since then too.  Shocking isn't it?  Has it been so long that you have forgotten what life was like before your begotten?  Again, you are not alone.  Many people fall under the false perception that they cannot go it alone.  That somehow their life has less meaning just because some other earthly being has told them so.  Rubbish, I say, rubbish.  You are a child and heir of the Most High God. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, even an ill-willing spouse!

So... what to do for NYE?  I would love to tell you that I have the answer, but I do not.  I wouldn't tell you even if I thought I did.  Every one of us is different and heal at different rates than others.  I would no longer presume to tell you it's time to move on as I would tell you that the permed look is out; some of you just might not be ready to hear that information just yet.   Lol.

You are going to have to look within yourself, and with the help of the Holy Spirit do what you feel is right for  you.  If that is going to a party with friends or family and taking the chance on meeting a new friend, then I say I pray for you the best.  If it means staying home and watching your favourite comedy to pick up your spirits, I said good for you too!  One is never so happy as when they can be happy in their own presence.  No matter what you do though, usher in this year with the hopes of God's best things for yourself.  After all you deserve it!!

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