Saturday 16 February 2013

Has Anger Got You Seeing Red??

So you think you are over it (the separation, the divorce and/or the ex) when out of the blue (or should I say red) anger rears its ugly head.  You are mad, frustrated and undoubtedly upset.  You are not alone, I sometimes find myself there as well.  Some of the time I am not even sure what I am really upset about.  However, the anger rises up like a Phoenix, wanting to just break free from the thoughts in my mind, transforming itself into words actually coming out of my mouth.  I have to take my thoughts captive and lay them before the Lord if I plan on making it through the day without biting someones head off.  I have peace only after I have stopped and taken the time to ask the Lord to help me make it through those moments,

Taking captive of your thoughts isn't always as easy as it sounds.  I mean don't we have the right to be upset?  To be angry that our happily ever after isn't forever after all?  Shouldn't we be allowed to be angry and hurt and wallow in our own self pity?  Well my first answer to you is yes... but only for a time.  We all know Kubler-Ross' 5 stages of grief, Anger being one of them.  To fully and completely heal, I believe we must go through each of those stages.  Though our sorrow may last for the night, His joy comes in the morning!!  And praise His name for it!

When we allow ourselves to focus on the things that we "did wrong" or "didn't" do to make our marriage work, we can drive ourselves crazy.  In some cases, as in mine, there was nothing I could do or say to make my husband stay.  If someone doesn't love you enough to stick around, there is nothing you can do or say that can ever make them change their mind.  In most cases they have already made up their mind.  When we allow ourselves to focus on the bad that has gone on in our lives, it is no wonder we are angry.  We are angry at the world, at ourselves, our friends and yes... even God.  How could He allow this to happen?

Anger is a tricky beast because it can cause so many emotions within us that sometimes we didn't even know existed.  We think differently when we are angry, we act differently and even say things we wouldn't normally  say when we allow anger to take over.  And if any of you are like me, you end up feeling guilty afterwards for feeling that way in the first place.  It can set you on a spin cycle of depression.

Have you really sat down and faced the anger within you?  Have you asked yourself what is really going on deeper inside?  Have you talked to God about this?  Have you brought this situation before Him and laid them at His feet?  If you do, you will not regret it.  Cast your cares upon Him, for He careth for you!!  My prayer for each of you is this... it may sound so cliche, but here goes... Learn to let go, and let God!

Pastor Dana-Renee

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