Friday 6 September 2013

To date or not to date... that is the question!!

So, for those of you who are newly separated, or still waiting for your divorce to be finalised, this question is aimed at you.  Have you dated since your spouse has left?  Do you feel you are ready?  Should you?  This is a question I really can not answer, and quite honestly is something that I have pondered a lot myself lately. If we look into God's word, I know we can find some answers.  Although, some of you may not like what you are going to find.  Please don't shoot the messenger, I am just passing along what the Father is showing me.

I truly believe that this is an issue that you must bring before the Father.  Only He can tell you what is the right thing to do.  And only His Spirit can convict you on the things you are struggling with.  There are many situational scenarios that make this question even harder, like:

~ Did your spouse cheat
~ Are you separated
~ Are you divorced
~ Has your spouse been living with another person while separated
~ Has your spouse remarried
~ Has your spouse passed away since the separation/divorce
~ and I am sure that there are many other things to consider also.  It's just late and my brain is not firing on all engines!!

Again, I cannot tell you what the right answer is, I only know what I feel is right for me.  Never stop seeking the Lord for your answers.  He may seem like He's not listening, but indeed my friend He is and He is working behind the scenes for your best interest.  Perhaps He's even readying your next spouse!!  God bless you all, and keep your focus on Christ.  He won't steer you wrong.

Pastor Dana-Renee